39 things it took me 39 years to learn
39 things its taken me 39 years to learn.today is my 39th birthday.I have extra lines on my face these days...but most of them are from laughing so I don't mind.I truly never thought I'd see 39...I don't think I'm being morbid, I just really never imagined myself this late in my life.this is my journal and if this was my last birthday, these are the things I'd like my kids to know I knew at 39... :)
when Jesus is first in my mind + heart, everything else in my life makes sense.
momentarily appearing or looking cool is long term boring and will play itself out...wear what you want and do what interests you...life is so much more fun when you don't concern yourself with appearing cool.
being a wife and mom are my favorite things to be. I forgot that a little bit in my 20's and will regret not valuing those years.
I will never not look for a sunset and marvel at it. something happens to me the hour before and I become obsessed looking for the last bit of light as it changes colors.
shutting out the world for periods of time is good for my soul.
most good things require time...endurance is a good quality to chase after.
if all you can say is you're the prettiest girl in the room, you're not thinking hard enough...looks should not factor in to your identity, I promise they don't last...unless you put a lot of money into it - even then, you end up looking a little too much like a cat for the money you spend chasing that particular kind-of beauty. BUT there is much to be said about a great pair of shoes, they can be magical - they make you walk a little taller, stand a little prouder...and make a sort-of b.a. clicking noise when you walk on concrete that draws attention to them...magic. ;)
listening reveals so much more than speaking.
fish taco's are not gross, at least on the coast of california.
memories are worth more than things.
true friends are exceedingly rare...treasure them and enjoy them.
only read good books...if the book doesn't bite in the first two chapters, put it back on the shelf.
personality tests are fun and reveal a lot about people and the people around you but they aren't the gospel...people are ultimately unique and don't always fit in a box.
I like traveling...seeing different parts of the world wakes up a part of me I never knew existed and comes alive at experiencing and seeing new things.
taking your time is better than just racing through things and typically incurs better results.
I am not an early bird or a night owl, I'm sort-of like a lazy bear who likes to sleep at every opportunity.
chocolate does not pair well with nuts and should always be avoided. but chocolate by itself should be enjoyed as often as needed.
matt is the other half of my soul. I have the freedom to be me because of his incredible love for me and I do not deserve him.
dreams are good but there isn't enough time to do them all...chase the ones that light you up the most.
pumpkin candles and christmas music should be lit and played year round.
God's Word is my compass and never changes. He speaks daily to me through His Word.
music is a gift. and who and what you play music with should be treasured and valued.
the opinions of others save for a few should be kept at arms length and examined for truth and sharpening...and then set aside if there is none.
you can't be the best at everything...work hard at what's been given to you but don't compete with those around you.
I am not a good chit chatter and large groups of women chit chatting physically stresses me out. I prefer meaningful two-sided conversations...when there are a lot of voices to a conversation I get severely distracted and struggle to focus.
saying no is not a bad thing.
good relationships take hard work and there is typically no room for selfishness.
I care very little about loving diet coke more than water...I have a 100% chance of dying someday and drinking diet coke makes me happy.
being vulnerable and transparent will always open you up to judgement. be you, brace yourself and do your best to remain soft but strong even when you are sneered at.
lists make me feel organized and I like check boxes.
hard physical work makes me feel satisfied and like I accomplished something of value.
storytellers fascinate me...mere facts will never draw me in - always the story.
forgive people for the apologies you'll never get and love anyways...every one is fighting a hard battle.
laughing is my favorite. babies laughter is impossible not to feel happy listening to. and laughter - not-at-the-expense-of-someone - is the best.
moist will forever be the grossest word in the english language. and no, people are not funny when they say it to me.
beautiful things can sometimes appear ugly. there is beauty in forgotten + ugly things in the right light and perspective.
minimal decorating and clothes make my mind less cluttered. rhinestones catch my eye but stress me out. but glitter...oh my, glitter is beautiful and evil.
family is undervalued in the worlds eyes. but to me, I truly believe a part of me would end if I were to lose a family member.
live fully. breathe deeply. seek wisdom. everything for His glory, not mine. don't look to the right or left. work hard. and love much.