arizona family session | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
arizona family photographer | kreatid photography | the johnson family
do you have people in your life that you esteem maybe just a little higher than others?that you hold in high regard?someone who, in your mind, leans a little more on the perfect side of life?I've found that this happens a little in church life.I think it's normal (or at least I hope it is)...the bible talks about it in James it can't just be something I've just noticed ;)take today's family...on paper he is the "Lead Pastor of Redemption Church" and she has "church royalty" blood in her ;) being Tom Shrader's 2nd would be easier-than-not to look at this family on paper and think they are nothing short of hold up a little higher.but you know what?I bet if you asked these esteemed people what they thought of themselves...especially when it comes to today's'd find that these "perfect ones" really are just normal-every-day-same-as-you-and-me people chasing after how God says is best to live is uphill for everyone...sin is ever present...selfishness, rage, spitefulness,'s all in there - even in these people...but I understand a bit why this family is held a little higher than the rest...I don't spend time with them on a weekly basis, other than being excited to hug on her and her little's on a sunday that I happen to catch them,or high five-ing the boys and asking them about their fantasy football teams they play against my husband + son...I don't talk to her on the phone regularly - other than the occasional text conversation to catch up a little amidst the busyness...nope, I love, and hold in high esteem, (and am pretty sure others do as well) this family because of the way they do life...and do it chatting with him at their session, watching Hayley play with the girls and watching the boys playing catch in the sun,I asked him if he ever imagined his life to be where it is now...he genuinely smiled and laughed and said nope, never...remarking about how his old friends from growing up would award him with "the most drastically changed" at his next high school reunion...the old Tyler versus the "highly esteemed" Tyler of today...his remark and big laugh made me smile and solidified his "normal-ness" in my mind...he has a ledger that is long...and outside-looking-in-on-paper, it looks impressive and in all him laugh and play catch with his sons and seeing her love and squeeze on her made me think about how much I admire these people...first and foremost, because these two love God and even more his Son...someone said the other day that there is a difference between being a "fan" of Jesus and being a "follower" of Jesus...these two are the latter.second, these two love each other...I love taking a few minutes at a family session to just photograph the mom + make them look at each other and stand within inches of each other...9 times out of 10 the wife giggles and gets "happy shy" and the husband really smiles at her and remarks "man, I'm a lucky man."I love to see and photograph it. :)and third, I love that they are living out their life to their her words from a text the other day:"today I'm dealing with normal mommy things:poop, vomit, snot, tears, trying to point them to Jesus, getting frustrated, praying, and starting all over again!"their love and patience with their kids is their kids they aren't Tyler + Hayley Johnson...they're just mom and dad...people who love them, care for them, play with them, talk to them about what's + dad :)I suppose I just gave those of you who esteem them even more reason to hold them up...and in the end, I suppose that's a good thing...they would say that God gets the glory from whatever esteem is given to them anyways...1 Corinthians 10...