shadow mountain high school senior | sam
shadow mountain high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | sam
shadow mountain high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | sam
shadow mountain high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | sam
shadow mountain high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | sam
shadow mountain high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | sam
shadow mountain high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | sam
shadow mountain high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | sam
shadow mountain high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | sam
shadow mountain high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | sam
shadow mountain high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | sam
shadow mountain high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | sam
shadow mountain high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | sam
shadow mountain high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | sam
shadow mountain high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | sam
I like to call it the "johnny depp in chocolat", what on earth is that? you yep, the "johnny depp in chocolat"'s a sort-of unassuming, aloof, seriously cool-to-do-their-own-thing, confident without arrogance,unaware of their own handomeness swagger thing that only a few guys I've met have.*key lynch pin to having this sought after character trait is the unaware-ness.*I've seen a few guys chase this character trait and it is most obvious to everyone that that chase is only a chase,much like wearing your friends trademark leather jacket...yeah, it looks cool - but everyone knows it's your friends leather jacket and it just doesn't fit your personality.but mostly I've found that this character traits shows itself off in the seriously cool-to-do-their-own-thing facet...and this guy has that in spades.yes, he has the crazy awesome hair + smoldering eyes(not my words - the words of a few less-than-shy admirers to me) ;)yes, he knows all the amazing coffee spots throughout Arizona(again, some people claim to know coffee, this family knows coffee and travels in pursuit of the best...if I ever were to decide to drink coffee, it would be with this guy and his coffee connoisseur drinking family)what sealed-the-deal on my random JDinC thoughts was when I took note of his confidence,and combined that confidence with his artisticness...his ability to see unique beauty in abstract places (i.e. asbestos) ;)that one was a big one for me...again, a lot of people try on the artsy thing and muse on what it means to be artistic,other people just are...this guy is the's not even an effort for him - it's just in how God designed him.that last few take-aways I have of this guy I think are found in the small things that actually are rather big things in my's the way he physically leans in and makes direct eye contact to listen when you're talking to him - it shows respect and's the way he loves his brother and sister...the way he admires and loves his mom and's the way he can be goofy and completely fine and able to laugh at himself being goofy even at the expense of's the way he didn't want traditional for his senior session and encouraged creative freedom in me...yep, it's all of those things combined that made me associate the "JDinC" swagger thing to himbut then you know what?maybe it's should be named the "SD-just-doing-life" swagger?ha...whateveryou want to call it,it's refreshingly cool and unique and an absolute pleasure to get to spend time with photographing.