perry high school senior | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
perry high school senior photography | kreatid photography | bryttany
deep thoughts tonight as my daughter sits next to me as I finish up editing for question that she asked that is resonating with me:"what do you want to be remembered for?"deep, right? not your typical saturday night thoughts/questions...but good to wonder on for a second.I think her question stemmed from a song that came up on a spotify playlist that our friend played the night before he suddenly passed's actually kinda a goofy song, but we love it and listen to it often. :)that song, brought back many memories of's funny how that works...a simple song, hundreds of memories...songs...I can't hear phil collins "groovy kind of love" and not be transported to my freshman year of high school,looking down at the mix tape that matt gifted me spinning in my bright yellow walkman...all the feels and it makes me smile and again, I'm thinking of her simple question...that brings my thinking circling back to the girl in this post and the many kids that I've gotten to photograph...I remember each and every session...each and every session that is filled with laughing, mostly me being a spaz/dork attempting to coax a real smile from who I'm shooting,I remember "...tilt your head back, chin to shoulder, look directly at me." and the strength and confidence that meets me in the lens,I remember remembering to look back at the mom's that came to "just watch"...their faces filled with pride at the young man or woman they are watching...sometimes their eyes are misted over...and I know they are remembering all eighteen years before that moment...fair warning - I think I will be in a permanent state of "mistiness" when micah + mad are in that season. ;)but most of all I remember...I honestly really love my job.I love those of you who allow me these short seasons of memories...getting to freeze time for a second.I know that these memories...these moments that freeze in time are important...they're your memories...and they will be for the rest of your days on this earth.they are visual pieces of you that you'll be remembered for...and I love, love, love that I get to make them for you.this beautiful girl?she is thought of and remembered for a great many things by many others who know and love her more than me...but to me, she is incredibly intelligent...she walks to the beat of her own drum...she's incredibly funny and amuses me a lot on social media...she is loved and loves deeply her family...she is strong...she is beautiful - and has the most incredible hair - as in really incredible hair ;)but over these past four years in photographing her...she is more beautiful to me now that she was then...mostly because her personality has shown through and her beauty comes from within as well as outwardly now when I look at her.bryttany, you are fun for me to know...and I can't wait to see how these next four years at GCU look on you! :)