ISMC class of 2021
done on purpose; deliberate.
intention seekers modeling crew, that’s really a mouthful isn’t it?
ISMC - ooh, yea das’ better.
ISMC = a group of seniors aiming at living their best year being deliberate with their time/circle/lives and yes, even with their senior portraits…looking good while doing it and adventuring across AZ + CA just a little along the way.
deliberately seeing + doing life bigger…and better. intentionally.
JD people, meet the #JDISMC class of 2021.
madds - EVIT + mesquite high school:
funny. kind. quirky. loyal. true. mine. :)
emily - arizona prep:
laughs easily. eclectic. super intelligent. eyes wide open and bold. great music sense. inclusive and unabashedly honest.
leah - mesquite high school:
strong. hardworking. loves to laugh at and with others. good car DJ. an encourager.
cailey - gilbert christian high school:
a leader without trying to be one. soft-hearted. admirable of character. stupidly musically talented.
aydan - desert ridge high school:
observant. kind-hearted. non-judgmental. stupid funny. the entertainer as long as blood-sugar levels are kosher. ;)
jonas - perry high school:
perceptive. eclectic + well-rounded in a world of the same. thoughtful. everyone’s friend.
austin - perry high school:
you just kinda wanna see what he’s gonna do next - he makes it worth watching. fights for depth. fearless. a leader.
harrison - chandler high school:
walks to the beat of his own drum and it’s a cool drum at that. observant. laughs easily + often. kind.