highland high school senior | hannah
highland high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | hannah
highland high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | hannah
highland high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | hannah
highland high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | hannah
highland high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | hannah
highland high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | hannah
highland high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | hannah
highland high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | hannah
highland high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | hannah
highland high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | hannah
highland high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | hannah
highland high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | hannah
highland high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | hannah
highland high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | hannah
highland high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | hannah
highland high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | hannah
highland high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | hannah
highland high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | hannah
highland high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | hannah
highland high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | hannah
highland high school senior | jen driesbach | arizona senior photographer | hannah
so it's not a secret that I'm a nerd.before you graciously say "no, no you're not."(or if you're like my sister you just wisely automatically agree with me) ;)it's fine...I totally am and I'm really okay with it.okay, let me explain why I'm declaring that before I've even written anything too nerdy ;)...in photographing this girl I had two thoughts after meeting and spending a little time with herthat I added to what I knew of her before her portrait session...one, she is stunningly beautiful.beauty comes in all different ways/shapes + looks.I wrote not too long ago about the cinderella + sleeping beauty type of beautybut that kind-of beauty doesn't fit her in my mind - and yet she is still so very beautiful.her long auburn hair that turned red as the sun decided to shine is incredible to photograph and look at;she has incredibly clear blue eyes that if you look closely have a yellow sunburst aroundthe center when the light and her mood hit just right;she is close friends with my niece and I couldn't help but see the similarity in them as they both laugh easily and fully and often,did you know humor is a trait that can make you more beautiful - at least I think it can.laughing is contagious and this girl likes to laugh. :)but the thing that I think makes her standout to me - is the obvious beauty in her strength.and not the bulging muscles kind-of strength - physically strong - yes.but in my eyes her strength is more inner-resolved while still maintaining her femininity...you can tell she has been raised to not cave when will is tested... = strong.I'm not sure why that stuck out to me, but it did...maybe because I was raised the same and can recognize it?any way, back to my nerdiness, right? ;)well, because of that strength and my love of lord of the rings - this character/scene and quote came to mind:I love that quote in response to what she fears:"I fear a cage. To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire.”hannah's beauty and strength with a smidge of wildness reminded me of eowyn...dunno why, blame it on my nerdiness. ;)lotr's aside, I honestly have no doubt that while this girl still has strength she will accomplish great things.and she will do those great things with beauty and more than likely laughing in the process...thank you for the afternoon, hannah - it was an absolute joy to get to spend time with you! :)