hamilton high school senior | sophie
express or measure the quantity of. "it's very hard to quantify the cost"
this girl is special to me.
I've had the amazing privilege to love and get to know her for about the past four years or so...
and I absolutely love how her mind works...
you see, in my book, she is one of the most artistically bent people I've come to know...
even more than I think she lets herself be or even see's herself as...
not that being artistic is an identity to merely aspire to
...what makes her infinitely cooler than that label allows, is that she just
...effortlessly so.
it's in her and I can't wait to see what she does with it as the next few years cultivate and stretch her...
but the thing that makes her even more unique,
is that that artistic-ness is extraordinarily balanced with her practicality and smart-ness (
is that a word? probably not....claiming it.
) ;)
I appreciate her ability to not just see something and merely take it at face value...
no, she questions, wonders, and takes the time/effort to look at something or someone from all angles...
and in that, often to my amusement, she has to most unique ability to literally talk out loud most of her thoughts...
and a funny spiderweb of thoughts that process is...
and yet she always somehow makes a logical train of thought conclusion in spite of it's spider-web-y-ness :)
I love this girl...
. :)
oh, it's a word...it's
a word. :)
she's taught me to show love quanitfiably...and for that...on my own journey - I am forever thankful.
I love you, soph.
much. :)
arizona senior photographer | kreatid photography | sophie
arizona senior photographer | kreatid photography | sophie
arizona senior photographer | kreatid photography | sophie
arizona senior photographer | kreatid photography | sophie
arizona senior photographer | kreatid photography | sophie
arizona senior photographer | kreatid photography | sophie
arizona senior photographer | kreatid photography | sophie
arizona senior photographer | kreatid photography | sophie
arizona senior photographer | kreatid photography | sophie
arizona senior photographer | kreatid photography | sophie
arizona senior photographer | kreatid photography | sophie
arizona senior photographer | kreatid photography | sophie
arizona senior photographer | kreatid photography | sophie
arizona senior photographer | kreatid photography | sophie
arizona senior photographer | kreatid photography | sophie
arizona senior photographer | kreatid photography | sophie
arizona senior photographer | kreatid photography | sophie
arizona senior photographer | kreatid photography | sophie
arizona senior photographer | kreatid photography | sophie
arizona senior photographer | kreatid photography | sophie
arizona senior photographer | kreatid photography | sophie
arizona senior photographer | kreatid photography | sophie
arizona senior photographer | kreatid photography | sophie
arizona senior photographer | kreatid photography | sophie
arizona senior photographer | kreatid photography | sophie
arizona senior photographer | kreatid photography | sophie