body balance health coach | susanne
I hesitated writing this post.
mostly because I know her and I know she doesn't position herself to be in the spotlight - she'd rather shine it on someone else.
but this is my platform to talk about what I see from behind my for a hot second I'm going to take the opportunity because I'm not sure when it'll ever present itself again. ;)
this is my friend susanne.
we did this session together because like it or not she needed updated headshots BECAUSE she has started her own health coaching business and her website needed her face on it.
that's the short story behind this session, but this session has decades of memories attached to it and this woman that I admire.
she (and her husband) have been constants in my life since I was ten.
when I first met her she was the cool-mid-twenty-something youth pastor's wife and I thought she was beautiful, witty + just too cool with her red jeep.
she was both of my sister's small group leader so I heard stories of her wisdom and unique ability to be direct but loving and I got to watch her from a young age love others with purpose and intent.
she sang one of my favorite songs as I walked down the aisle when I married matt.
she patiently helped me get the 203 bobby pins out of my hair when I was legitimately having an anxiety attack after my wedding day trying to get them out. ;)
she welcomed us into her home most friday nights and throughout our early years after moving to arizona.
she changed my sons first diaper in our recovery room because I was too chicken and didn't have a clue as to what I was doing and she showed me how to clip his fingernails with baby scissors so I wouldn't cut him.
we've been to countless summercamps and wintercamps together and she's counseled me with wise counsel more times that I care to count.
I'm just so thankful to call this beautiful woman my friend.
I admire her character. I admire her steadfastness. I admire her wisdom and I'm thankful to be the recipient of her wise counsel when I need it. I admire her wit and humor and can't count the amount of times I've cry laughed at her house. I admire how she aims at being the best wife and mom she can be. I admire how freaking good of a cleaner she is...seriously legendary status. ;) I admire how she never chooses a spotlight, but rather almost to a fault looks to shine a light on others. I love how good of a mom she is and now how good of a grandma she is. I love how she took a disease that afflicted her and used her talent of research by putting herself through school and now has a bunch of letters attached to the end of her name because of how smart she is.
yep, I admire this woman and I'm thankful I get to call her my friend.
p.s. if you need health advice, she is THE smartest woman when it comes to health and how the body works and who is someone I know who will give you honest and true and wise advice on how to live/act/be healthier...her website is almost finished and when it is, you should sign up for a thirty minute consult with her - I have no doubt it will change your life.
you can follow her here on instagram, she'll let you know when you website is up over there! :)
I love you, susanne...I'm sorry to "load you up", but the ten-year-old in me still thinks you're the coolest and I couldn't let the opportunity to talk about you slip by. :)
body balance | susanne maughan | jen driesbach
body balance | susanne maughan | jen driesbach
body balance | susanne maughan | jen driesbach
body balance | susanne maughan | jen driesbach