what I learned on winter vacation
so here it is...deep thoughts or "things I learned on winter vacation" :)1. I cannot do it all.I want to...but I simply cannot.somewhere along this year, I forgot that and tried.no more, my priorities are getting straighter and I'm learning to find peace in that.and for those of you who want me to do it all...one guess where you fall on the priority list ;)2. my husband is my absolute best friend and I'm ridiculously blessed to be married to him.he is my rock.he allows me the freedom to dream while keeping himself grounded.he is a most wise business parter.he makes me laugh when I feel crazy overwhelmed.he hugs me when I cry.he tells me to buck up when I cry.and he pushes me to be a better woman than I dream of.this is the 2nd year that during winter vacation that he's taken me to my favorite city for an overnight of just me and him.no kids.no phone calls.just me and him.well, and the hunger games this year. ;) we were temporarily obsessed with the books and movies this trip.sitting on our fancy king-size bed, eating bbq pringles, with floor to ceiling windows that overlooked the city, watching the hunger games...I knew it was "one of those nights".without him, I am not me...and oh, how I love him. :)3. I did not pick up a "real" camera the entirety of winter break.*gasp*I know. crazy to call yourself and to refrain from picking up one?!I knew I needed to be IN the moment, not observing the moment.so, I'm thankful for my camera on my phone...and I felt peace focusing on the moments. :)4. prayer.I need to do more of it.for my husband.for my kids.for the people in my life.for the people who have bigger hurts than I do.for myself.it's a big deal, and I don't think I do enough of it.it quiet's my soul and reminds me that He's got it all under control...I don't need to freak out and pick up burden's that aren't mine to bear.but I can give them to the One who is strong enough to carry them.I anticipate a lot of answered prayer in 2013. :)5. When I take a step back from the franticness of the year, I love getting to do what I do.really.I like who I get to do it with and I want to do more of it.I am fully aware of the fact that I "get to" not out of necessity, but just because it makes Him happy when I do it open-handedly.and I'm going to try and do it better.the process, the packaging, the creativity, the clients, the vision...just better.there was a resolved feeling that I needed to feel this vacation, and He gave it.BUT I'm not going to do it like everyone else, I'm getting thicker skin with that.I need to have a heart of service, but I don't have to do it like everyone else. :)6. I need to create more just for me not on a job.there's freedom there.there's inspiration completely unattached to anyone else.there's peace there.create not necessarily with just my camera...I'm going to explore a few other medium's a little deeper in 2013.but definitely will be creating more this year.7. I resolve to pause more throughout the year.be with friends.be in nature.to look up.I need it for my own sanity.pause.RESOLVE.That's my word for 2013.I resolve to focus.I resolve to work hard.I resolve to look up and smile more often.I resolve to try harder.I resolve to create more because He's given me the ability to do so.I resolve to love much.I resolve to live Better in 2013.