salt river engagement | jesse + lauren
there is a quote that makes me think of him and in turn, her...
"...through all the things my eyes have seen, the best by far is you."
arizona engagement session | jesse + lauren
arizona engagement session | jesse + lauren
arizona engagement session | jesse + lauren
arizona engagement session | jesse + lauren
arizona engagement session | jesse + lauren
arizona engagement session | jesse + lauren
arizona engagement session | jesse + lauren
arizona engagement session | jesse + lauren
arizona engagement session | jesse + lauren
arizona engagement session | jesse + lauren
arizona engagement session | jesse + lauren
arizona engagement session | jesse + lauren
arizona engagement session | jesse + lauren
arizona engagement session | jesse + lauren
arizona engagement session | jesse + lauren
arizona engagement session | jesse + lauren
arizona engagement session | jesse + lauren
arizona engagement session | jesse + lauren
he loves her.simple words, but far from's a beautiful thing to get to watch.and she?gosh, I love the girl in these photographs.even as I type right now (I've had strep for a few days so I'd be with her, but can't tonight) I know what she is doing.she's about three rows from the back of the chapel,more than likely surround by several of her girls...her day has been full...fuller than most juggling her third year commuting to a competitive nursing program,full with family, friends, him, rush-hour traffic, homework, working out,and in spite of the fullness of her day, her arms will be outstretched as the music plays,her head will be tilted back...lifting her heart and her day to our God.that's who she spite of the fullness, she gives of herself - and she rests in Him and is not someone who quits when the hard comes.and in being that person that I know she is tonight, it makes her more beautiful somehow.her outward beauty is obvious...but it's her heart and chase of Him that I've gotten to see that makes her outward beauty pale in comparison.yep, these two are a "power couple" in my friends since they were kids,they have lived through some hard seasons of life and are still holding hands on the other side of see them say that they will stand by each other until the end of what this life holds in march is going to be nothing short of amazing.I love you both...thank you for letting me photograph a small part of your story :)