pieces of sunshine | colorado family photographer

this is my little sister and her beautiful family.and she is so much more than just my little sister.she is an amazing wife.  a most beautiful mommy.  an unbelievably creative entrepreneur.but to me?she is my beautiful little sister who happens to be my closest friend.the kind of friend who makes you laugh until your lungs feel like they're going to pop.and most of the time she doesn't even mean to be that funny...she just is.you can see it in her eyes when you surprise her with your laughter...they start to sparkle and then she just runs with her hilarity.yes, that friend.she is the kind of friend who eyes fill up with tears when you share hard things but then somehow finds a way to make you feel like it just isn't that hard of a thing anymore and that you can conquer the world...she is the kind of friend that if you've found that you're cornered, she's the first to jump in swinging.and only after the last foe is found lying in her wake will she even begin to think of asking what she was defending you from.there is a poem that I love and it reminds me of her as I watch her live her life:"...she left pieces of her life everywhere she went...it was easier to feel the sunlight without them, she said."but the secret is that she is sunshine.not only to me...but to most who encounter her.and that is what she does...she leaves little pieces of her sunshine on whatever path God gives her.