campo verde high school senior | nicole

the last ten minutes of her session...the wind is gently blowing,the sun is perfectly setting into golden oblivion behind her,her hands are full of red-red glitter that perfectly matches her lips and beautiful dress...and in my head I'm thinking of two different songs...the first is this one...earlier she was letting me photograph some of her graceful dance poses in the water...this was the last song in my car before I got out...and it fit what I was seeing in front of my lens...glittering white sun in the water...elegance in the way she carried herself...and talk of dreams of what was to come...I recognized determination in her dreams...she's the type of girl to make them come true.I admire that.the second song was this one...just for me really..."...have you ever thrown a fistful of glitter in the air? ...have you ever looked fear in the face and said, "I just don't care."? ...have you ever wished for an endless night? ...lassoed the moon and the stars and pulled that rope tight?"I love that I get to photograph dreamers...and dreamers with their whole lives in front of them.and I liked seeing how the glitter enhanced her happiness.I'm not sure what a "mega-watt" smile is...but I've heard of it before...and I'm pretty sure she has one...her face lights. up. when she laughs... :)intelligence, beauty, grace...this girl has it all...and I got to spend an afternoon with her gorgeous self...nicole?!I CANNOT wait to hear of the awesome things you accomplish at Barnard College!139351415BW118192528247218glitter29