desert ridge high school senior | josie
I was asked this week why I call her I guess I'll try to tell you.I say "try" because my heart is big for her and sometimes words fall short.and the other "try" is because the reason I call her ruckus isn't actually because of her...let me explain...I am one of four kids to two amazing parents are amazing for many reasons,but a large reason today being because they taught us four kids to love each other and what's more,to actually LIKE each other. :)I'm second born and I've talked about my little sister and little brother before...but the reason I call her ruckus is because of my older older sister is someone who I have loved and admired my whole life.(sorry for the quality...they're ollllllllld pictures.) ;)I only have one older sister and so all my admiration, maybe by default ;), went to my kate.(ke-we, but that name is for me...not you.)I admired my older sister for her athleticism and ability to run far and long and fast in track,I admired my older sister for her fashion sense...she ALWAYS had the coolest benneton clothes that I wanted to
steal borrow,I admired my older sister for her likeability with her friends...she had the best parties and friends growing up,I admired my older sister for her intelligence...I swear she got straight "a's" her senior year of high school and I KNOW she wasn't even actually in class for 75% of the year...genius status.I admired my older sister for her work ethic...she has and always will have the ability to out-work me...she's awesome. :)I admired my older sister for her creativity...still do to this day...her middle name is details...she notices things I don't and her way with words will put anyone to shame.she was and is my only big sister in the world and I admired and still admire and love her like no how did ruckus happen?out of the four of us kids, my older sister was the first to give my amazing parents a's not a secret if you follow me personally on facebook that my family LOVES to celebrate.and with the arrival of the first grand baby, first niece, first little girl,you would have thought christmas happened twice that year. ;)my sister lived in the same house as all of us at the time so the six of us in our family got to see and experience all of josie's firsts like she was our little sister...halloween, christmas, learning to walk, teaching her piano, watching her play soccer...all of her first's were reason for a celebration and oh, my gosh...not kidding, you should have seen this girls first day at kindergarten...ALL.OF.US. walked her the 1/2 mile to school and dropped her off smiling and waving at her like she was headed off to the military.understatement of the year, she is and was loved. tremendously.I already told you how creative my older sister is and how she is with words...well, on top of my families ability to celebrate extravagantly,we're also kinda weird and think certain things are funny that maybe other people don't...talking in weird voices.yeah, we think we're funny and can get each other laughing til' we're crying in strange voices.told you, weird.whatever. :) older sister can roll her "r's" rrrrrrrrriculously kinda trill's...totally laughing by myself as I type this.well, sometimes we would babysit josie while my older sister worked and e.v.e.r.y.t.i.m.e. she would come home from working, before the screen door would slam behind her as she came into the house, she would call out to her toddler we were watching"rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruckus rrrrrrroofus?! c'mere!"josie would come running to her arms, laughing at hearing her mom's voice and was happy her mama was home...and THAT is how simple the name ruckus came to be.ruckus shortened to ruckus...with out the rolling r's...but still, ruckus.I think she will forever be that to me...ruckus. :)I love that I got to see all her firsts...and I love even more that I got to photograph the beautiful woman she is now in finishing out high you, ruckus. always will. :)