phoenix engagement | jed + whitney

this song kept creeping into my mind as I edited their session.partly because I imagine him playing it and singing it...but in my mind, it fits them.probably because when he wraps his arms around her she fits him - it's a whitney spot that fills his arms perfectly. :)47jedandwhitneymore about them?well,'s funny the response about these two that I've had in conversations in having posted their prelude a few weeks ago...the response to him being engaged has largely come from people I didn't even know knew him.and if I think about it, I guess that's to be expected and makes sense... :)he's up front on sunday's 90% of the time.and I've found that if being up front is one of the hats you wear, people just naturally feel like they know you.the people who are excited for him are the people he leads in worship...what's worship?worship is what the body of Christ, people who love Jesus, do as a large group that kinda knits all of our hearts together - whether we know each other specifically or not...through singing/making music together, meeting together, learning more about how God says to live together, praying together...."church"ing together. :)when you "church" together, you can't help but be tied emotionally together. :)and the guy in these photographs has been talented/gifted in an amazing way in leading worship.I guess it makes sense that so many are excited for him.but my favorite is the response to her being just makes me smile.e.v.e.r.y.o.n.e. that comments about her says one of two things:"oh my gosh, I'm SO excited for her - she is the sweetest/kindest/nicest/*insert your own "est" here ;)!"or, "WHO is that girl you photographed, she is absolutely stunning and Jed is so lucky!" ;)I am in complete agreement to both of those statements :)and for me, I am SO thankful for having to get to see pieces of her heart that make the beauty on the outside pale in comparison.yup, in my mind they are both lucky to have each other...and seeing them love each other makes me tremendously happy.october cannot come soon enough. :)4jedandwhitney40jedandwhitney21jedandwhitney19jedandwhitney1jedandwhitney5jedandwhitney28jedandwhitney36jedandwhitneyBW9jedandwhitneyBW31jedandwhitney33jedandwhitney8jedandwhitney44jedandwhitney52jedandwhitney11jedandwhitney53jedandwhitney56jedandwhitney10jedandwhitney67jedandwhitney61jedandwhitney66jedandwhitney64jedandwhitney59jedandwhitney