it's my pleasure. :)
it started because of a moment.
and the knowledge that moments are fleeting.
so I am not giving one, I am giving three.
because I can. :)
rebecca nelson.
I don't know this girl, but I already like her.
she prayed...something that to the world is un-important, but to her it was...and He answered.
and I get to photograph this girl. :)
the klontz'.
she's a wife to a man that I admire. she's an incredible friend to people I love dearly.
and she is a mommy of one and one more to be.
and I get to photograph this incredible family.
the zehrings.
the night it happened I sat on a stairwell with my friend and saw her heart on her face while she held marleigh.
it was a moment that for me will forever be etched in my head as a moment to remember.
she is a beautiful mommy.
she is a beautiful wife.
and I get to photograph this lady and her beautiful family.
my very close friend always tells me "it's my pleasure" when I ask a favor of her.
not like the chik-fil-et people who HAVE to say it. :)
she means it.
every time.
so to the winners I say "it's my pleasure."
and to all of you who let me know that these three people/families should have a session...
thank you.