inspired by | elizabeth ann
ahhhhhhhhh, inspiration fridays.I told you it was coming and now it is HERE!what is it?it's something I've been working on and something I care very deeply about.often I'm asked "what inspires you?"and if you read here, you'll see that a great many things what does that mean?each friday on the kreatid blog, I'd like to shine a spotlight on a different person who I admire on a regular basis...the people who inspire me (whether in person on on-line) to strive to live every day, matter what their creative medium is,no matter what their vocation is (I have photographer's, graphic designer's, interior designer's, crafter's, architects, mom's, baker's, international traveler's, fashionista's, author's, foodie's, artist's, professional thrifter's + musicians lined up so far!),if I admire them, I feel like you should know about them!and not just the stuff they show beautifully through social media (although that needs to be shown as well!)...but shine a spotlight on the stuff that makes them tick, the stuff that makes them who they are.each of us is unique. each of us has different talents we've been blessed with...this is just my way of applauding the people who I love and admire greatly. :)it's only fitting that the very first person I want to shine a spotlight on is my sister,yess, yessy, bets, or as many of you know her elizabeth ann, owner and photographer of elizabeth ann photography. :)
she is someone who way back in the beginning inspired me to continue hard in photography...inspiring me even to the point of being my partner in photographing weddings these past five years throughout the united states!she is someone who I can call at the drop of a hat and know I'm going to have the biggest cheerleader (especially if she's had her morning coffee) ;)since I started doing photography, she has messaged me appx. 1200 sending me sometimes sentences, sometimes paragraph's of encouraging words or funny photog humor or just solid sisterly advice to be BETTER in this life.she is an incredible mom, wife, sister and friend to say I love her, falls short.
ELIZABETH ANN interview questions:
what got you interested in photography?
my babies...yup, the classic mom photographer moment. but I was staying with my in-laws and he had an amazing camera that he let me borrow...I was shocked how much faster and easier it was at capturing an actual moment. my pocket camera was always blurry and it was frustrating. so, my father-in-laws camera changed my world. I loved the way the light would touch my babies hair or face...its something I still continue to love.
who do you look to for inspiration?
I'm inspired by a lot actually. music is a big thing for takes me places. I know I sound weird but music inspires me to try things. locations inspire me, whenever I get a chance to break away I love exploring and finding new places. and my favorite photographers that I feel really push themselves all the time to be amazing are: Clayton Austin, Hunter Leone of Three Nails Photography, and always, always Jose Villa. I know, all men, but seriously their photography is breath taking...they're artists of light and drama. and lastly, but not least by any means, my clients. they bring a creative energy, a thought or just a simple trust in me to photograph their beautiful moments.
what's your favorite inspiring quote (photography or not)?
"It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it great."League of Their Own
I love that quote...makes me put my head down and work harder when I'm tired.
what excites you on a daily basis?
hands down my family. the end of the day is my hubby comes home, we eat dinner and share our day. I love watching my kiddos laugh with Jon...its pure happiness for me. simple, quiet, uninterrupted moments. gardening and reading books excite me too. I sound like such a simple person I guess, when it comes down to it, I am. it doesn't take much to make me happy. :)
where would you escape to in the world if you could?
the beach on a hammock reading a book while my family plays in the ocean. yup, its all pictured out in my head that way...someday maybe. :) why? to have all my loves in one beautiful place with nothing pressuring us to be anywhere...sounds like a little piece of heaven. that and the tan would always be great. ;)
if you could be a super hero, what super power's would you have?
hmmm, super power...that's would be cool to have really stretchy arms and legs...only because as a photographer I find myself having to be in really awkward positions to get the shot. so longer arms would be awesome! might get a few weird looks though...but if you got "THE" shot then who cares right. ;pwhat would you name yourself? :)oh my gosh...I would name myself stretch. ;p
top five favorite colors + foods?
blue, grey, white, coral and mint green colors and for food: bruschetta, java chip ice cream, um, can I mention beer? if not it should be food group ;p my hubby makes an AMAZING burger with grilled pineapple, jalapeno, and this top secret mayo sauce and hawaiian bun with melted pepper jack cheese...its. awesome. oh, and sweet potato fries...LOVE them. :)
where do you find your guilty pleasures?
ummmmm, not sure I have a conscience. I rarely feel guilty. ;p
do you have a collection of anything?
I collect vintage cameras and I'd like to collect cool and eclectic art pieces for my home someday.
if you could encourage someone who is just starting out, what would you say to them?
you have to fight for it. it's not going to get handed to you. read every book, research online and practice on anyone that will let you practice taking photos of them. I think you have to have a certain amount of drive to make it in this industry. waiting for someone to notice you...well, its a nice thought but honestly I think the ones that make it are the ones that don't care....they are busy working and doing what they love and people see that. stay fresh by shooting different angles, new locations...and realize your first few sessions are going to be a little rough. grow with grace you could say...expect it to be a bumpy process. and above all, surround yourself with people that believe in you.
favorite action word?
awesome sauce.
something that is from your childhood, that not a lot of people know about?
I love playing the piano...if I had one now I would play it everyday.
what is a nickname(s) you've been called in your life?
betz, yess, liz, bessy (they dared the last one and they got slapped for it...just sayin)
favorite article(s) of clothing?
jeans and shoes
favorite band/song for inspiration?
that's easy, One Republic. LOVE "I lived" and "preacher" right catch more of what elizabeth is up to, find her on:facebookinstagramtwitteron her blogor her website! :)