gilbert couple | jon + katie
gilbert arizona family photographer | jon + katie | kreatid photography
gilbert arizona family photographer | jon + katie | kreatid photography
gilbert arizona family photographer | jon + katie | kreatid photography
gilbert arizona family photographer | jon + katie | kreatid photography
gilbert arizona family photographer | jon + katie | kreatid photography
gilbert arizona family photographer | jon + katie | kreatid photography
gilbert arizona family photographer | jon + katie | kreatid photography
gilbert arizona family photographer | jon + katie | kreatid photography
gilbert arizona family photographer | jon + katie | kreatid photography
gilbert arizona family photographer | jon + katie | kreatid photography
gilbert arizona family photographer | jon + katie | kreatid photography
gilbert arizona family photographer | jon + katie | kreatid photography
gilbert arizona family photographer | jon + katie | kreatid photography
I'm smiling for a couple reasons right now,one, because in typing their title for their blog post, I didn't know what to put. ;)I typically categorize my sessions into categories: seniors, weddings, engagements + families.seniors + weddings didn't fit obviously ;)and they're not engaged even though they're the right age for it and it's just the two of them,so family category it is...and to be honest, the more I think about it, it fits.just because it's just the two of you...there is no "just" in that.when matt + I were early married, it was a funny-sweet time of life.we were on our own (and in our case for the first time ever and in an entirely different state from where we grew up knowing),we paid our own bills, had a joint checking account + savings account (teeny tiny as it was),we went to the grocery together, and stayed up ridiculously late playing original nintendo eating homemade egg mcmuffins (it was cheap) ;).there is no "just" when it was just the two of us...we were a family...our family.the second reason I'm smiling at this couple right now is because of her.I've talked about her before,she is one of my daughter's favorite grown-up friends in the whole world.she has single-handedly instilled a crazy love of horses in her and has carefully and patiently shown her how to love and care for them.last week, for her birthday, she took her out and dressed her up and photographed one of my all-time favorite pictures of her...her, with her favorite horse...completely in her happy-maddie element.I love these getting to photograph this family...and now their perfect little photographic puppy!