
my thoughts are seriously jumbled as of late...and full.I texted my friend today and told her I was pretty sure I was bi-polar.I even had a conversation with my closest friend this week saying the same least she told me she was I didn't have to feel as bad about myself. ;)I usually try to ask myself two blanket questions at the end of the year when it comes to kreatid:"what have you done well this year?" and"what do you need work on?"the latter seems to be rolling around my head the most lately.I can't tell if its just me being wise and looking at the hard stuff first, like saving dessert for last...or if it's me just being insecure about the things I do.if I'm being honest, it's BE-yond easy for me to be that.  insecure.  yeah, I said it.  out loud, even. :)I'm finding out peoples perceptions of me don't include insecurity.but I am.about everything.really. :)and if I'm being really honest, I think you are too.yeah, I said that too.I had a conversation with a friend this week that being a grown up really isn't that much different than being a teenager.there's still the same group of kids, just grown up....the artists, the jocks, the 4-h club girls, the cheerleaders, still feel still look to the right and left to make sure you're doing things "right".and I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that there isn't a same "right" conclusion that's the same for my insecure moments I lie to myself and say that there IS only one right...because THAT person, THAT person right over there *insert insecurity* is being awesome and already doing it.and it may very well be right.  for them.I tell you all the time that I'm a spaz, and I think I'm right in saying that.a spaz because I like and think entirely TOO many things ALL the's not good.  it's not bad.  it's just how God made ME.I don't really have an "off" switch.I like photography...all sorts of journalistic, bold, story telling, fashion, photos that evoke emotion.I like colors...bright colors, pastel colors, black & white, gradients, spectrums, neon even sometimes.I like music...all kinds, really.coldplay, david crowder band, U2, county, rap, europop, blue grass, name'd laugh if I loaned you my ipod.  really.  it matches my many moods. :)I like people...all kinds. :)people genuinely fascinate me...I really think there's at least one fascinating thing in every person.I like textures...wood, concrete, metal, burlap, kraft paper, velvet.I like sports.  I like to be lazy.  I like diet coke.  I like chocolate.  I like broccoli.I like. I like. I like.God made me to like many conclusion so far is that I need to work on being focused with all the things He's given me to like.I watched an interview with stacy pearsall this week and something she said is really resonating with me:"build your portfolio/body of work around your passion.carve out time and direction for yourself.make one sentence that defines the direction where you want to go.if you can't fit it into a sentence, it's not concise enough."so my one question is growing into more questions...what am I passionate about with kreatid?where does He want me to go with it?what should I focus on?honestly, I don't know carved out time to ponder this in detail is in eleven days.  but I'm not counting. :)in the mean time, I'm feeling like He's telling me to be okay with stop being consumed with looking to the right and left...and be okay with's not one sentence yet, but I REALLY like this for some direction on why I should pursue kreatid..."I believe God created us in His image, and created us with the ability to create things.I find it really motivating that when we photograph/design things,we’re doing a small version of what God was doing when He made everything,when he sat back and said “it is good”.God is the best designer/creator and can provide the best inspiration.I like to see photography/design as a way of honouring God and the creativity that he gave us."that's me.that's kreatid.p.s. thank you to whoever put this on my car tonight...seriously was perfect and beyond appreciated. :)