the dekkers | arizona family photographer

this session has gotten me feeling in a very nostalgic mood.I think mainly it's because of the way they interacted with each other that it reminded me very much of my own family and of growing up...the way they would tease, joke, be sarcastic, have kids running everywhere...and hair.lot's and lot's of gorgeous hair ;)...all of it reminded me of moments past with the six of my own immediate family and now with our own the risk of sounding old ;), I'm going to say that it REALLY does go much too, that feels like yesterday that I was:sharing bedroom's with my sisters and even my brother sometimes...triple bunk beds were where it was at,fighting over curling irons and hot rollers,sharing (okay, more like stealing from my oldest sister) ;) clothes,soccer/track/basketball/volleyball/softball/baseball practices and games,picnic's after church in our backyard with all our friends playing volleyball and swimming until the sun went down only to make a fire pit just to sit and talk around into the night,alley basketball pick-up games pretending to be michael jordan vs. magic johnson,riding in the smurf truck with windows down with the sun shining blasting "my sharona" getting lost,making tree forts in the backyard,"car washes" with our big wheels/bikes under the crab-apple tree,sledding days at wheeler park...yup, the three others I'm proud to call my brother and sisters have had an incredible grow up that in moments like this feel all too, we're getting to be mom's and dad's around each other and getting to see my own mom and dad be proud grandparents of soon-to-be TEN grand kids...all of this reminded me SO much of this beautiful family in photographing them.this family treasures each other...they laugh big...the poke fun hard...and the love they have for each other is so apparent.photographing sessions like this and getting to capture seasons of life for the family is nothing short of amazing for me.thank you, dekkers family! :)2014-10-20_00142014-10-20_00022014-10-20_00212014-10-20_00092014-10-20_00032014-10-20_00012014-10-20_00112014-10-20_00062014-10-20_00162014-10-20_00042014-10-20_00052014-10-20_00152014-10-20_00172014-10-20_00082014-10-20_00072014-10-20_00102014-10-20_00182014-10-20_00192014-10-20_00202014-10-20_0013