embrace the wheel

tidbit (there's that awesome word again) from tonight's profound conversation with my man:"do you ever feel like you're just running around on one giant hamster wheel?""...let me key you into something, honey...LIFE is a giant hamster wheel." I know.profound words to live by tonight. ;)but you know what?I think he's right. do you ever get caught up in bobble-head land?you know when all you can do is look to the right and the left and be overwhelmed by how awesome everyone else is?that's where my head was tonight...that and in the weeds in edit land. :) I'm curious, what do you do to get yourself out of bobble-head land?for me it was the swift reality brought on my ever realistic albeit somewhat sarcastic husband reminding me that I'm not made for this world.the reality that I'm going to be tired.the reality that I'm going to do the same mundane things everyday sometimes.but in this same-ness:I get to love on my kids everyday.I get to rest my head on my husband's chest in "my" spot every night as I go to sleep.I get to worship in an amazing church with friends I love dearly.I get to find security in having a family I love a phone call or a drive away.I get to look through my view finder on my camera on a weekly basis and see things I haven't seen before.I get to live my same life everyday and for me...that's a good reminder to me to look ahead, not to the right or left. plus, when I can't deal with having to feel like a hamster - I found these to make me laugh...embrace the wheel my friends! :) 

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