comin' home... :)

to be honest, this trip wasn't quite as introspective as last years trip...not to say there weren't moments of rest...maybe because I scheduled more sessions?who knows.but...oh, the sites I did see...reds, oranges, yellows lit up my eyes...soft pinks rising across from the east in an early morning sunrise...deep blues and greys lit up by blasts of white lightning...and the smells...the smells hit my soul the most this time...damp leaves being burned late in the evening...sweet dew on country fields at sunrise...and chilliness...did you know chilliness has a smell?  you miss those things...and forget they were evenonce there until you are reminded by a memory because of a smell...funny thing.  :) a few of the snapshots I managed to capture...I'm noticing photography for me is trying to capture a memory...a sight...a that when the picture is old, it has the power to bring back a memory for me...

I miss you...comin' home... :)