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the young family | arizona family photographer

every now and again, I come across a family that makes me smile.BIG.I smile because they remind me of my own family.I'm realizing the older I get that family dynamic's like mine growing up, are rare.rare because my mom + dad are still happily married together...not saying it wasn't hard or that there weren't arguments that were difficult growing up,but they stayed together...and still do.I'm thankful for my parents, but my incredible childhood was also largely in part to my brother and two sister's.the oldest is my sister kate...I call her ke-we...don't ask - another day, another blog post.but she was someone I admired and still admire a great deal growing up.she always had the coolest clothes,went to the coolest parties,broke school records in track,got straight a's in school (especially amazing to me considering I was a solid "c's get degree's" student.)was organized and took care of us when my mom couldn't.I was the second born and the natural peace-keeper and was pretty good-natured...(unless my mom wasn't looking, and then I managed to find good-natured trouble pretty easily.)my life was filled with soccer, volleyball + softball practices,piano lessons and hanging with my little sister and 3rd born is elizabeth...she's yess to me...or betsy if you grew up with her.she was and still is fearless...the first to jump off the edge, to dive in the pond to catch a frog, the first to say "I'll do it!"she's a beauty and a LOT of boys liked her growing up...but she preferred her 1990 flannel and cut-off shorts. ;)and then there was my little brother josh...noshy poo for short. ;)and I say little...but at 6'4" he's anything but. (so I'd be careful teasing him about his nickname...jus' sayin'.) :)he was my friend growing up...we're four years apart and I got to see him:learn to walk, to ride a bike,to dominate at original super mario bros.,to see him rock at three pointers in our back alley,to see him grow up and get married and now be a dad...yup, I LOVE my family and I'm thankful for the growing-up I had.THIS family?I listened as they told their they described each others personality to me,as they laughed at each other...they were happy.and it made me happy to be around.whoever gets to marry into this family is going to be blessed...they are amazing to be aroundand I can't wait to hear over the next few years how they create their own family lives for themselves.thank you for the afternoon, young's! :)17young16young9young13young14young2young6young7young8young24young4youngBW15young12young25young29young21young28young3young20young22young23young30young31young