the BEST mascara
I wasn't joking.I wrote about this mascara a girl, it is life changing mascara. ;)I know third world issues...but really, it IS the best mascara out there in my opinion.really.oh, and P.S. I'm never going back to regular mascara again, it works THAT good.ANNNNNND to prove it, I'm putting my money where my mouth is.super easy to enter to win the best mascara for FREE.yup, free.I told you before I don't care for multilevel marketing schemes...and I don't.if a product is good enough, I believe it will sell itself.this mascara is good enough.I'm using my discount and free product that apparently I got to have becausesome of you already bought the best mascara just because you trusted me.seriously awesome.I didn't make that discount, you all I'm giving it back to you...or at least one of you!technology has made it pretty easy to enter...just follow the ways to enter belowand you have until saturday, May 3rd, 2014 (HOW is it may already?!) to win!thanks to rafflecopter, it will pick a random winnerin the event that there is more than one of you who does all five options...again, if you want to see more of what I'm talking about...join the temporary group I started for more good friend debbie is my contact for Younique and from time to time will be posting things about Younique you might want to know...and you can ask her any questions about the 3D mascara!and if you've already bought the mascara...still enter, you'll need a backup supply in about 3 months! ;)good luck! :)a Rafflecopter giveawaythe image below if for sharing on FB or on instagram! :)