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since crawling under a rock & hiding isn't an option...

humble pie.that is the title of could throw in tired pie, contrite pie, overwhelmed pie, & crazy pie...but I think humble pie aptly titles the day.the question of the day is: how do you respond when you make a mistake?well, if you're come home and lie in a pile on the floor in front of your husband and declare your death.:)I am thankful that he is so adept at weeding through my melodrama;  after declaring my death he gave me this advice:1. jen. you're sick. go to bed. (genius, he is pure genius.)2. jen. e.v.e.r.y.o.n.e. makes mistakes. everyone. unless you are God, you are going to make mistakes. no one assumes by your mistake that you are from here on out defined by your mistake. it happens. get over it.3. God is very obviously teaching you about your pride. how you respond when this happens shows your character. (from my previous fetal position response, I'd say I have little to no character.) :)4. jen. I love you. I'll always love matter what.*sigh.*so my conclusion to the day, the week, the month?1. I'm married to the bestest man in the world. I genuinely don't deserve him.2. "pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom." proverbs 11:2 and wisdom in this situation means spell check will forever be my best friend each and every time I open any sort of Microsoft program. (I might have still said that in a scarlett o'hara melodramatic way...but it only adds to my emphasis.)3. perfection is an illusion...excellence is to be desired, but when you fail at it...grace is a good thing.4. I have very gracious friends. I need to continue to try and live like a person given the amount of grace I've been given.5. go to bed when you're sick. :)