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fishbowls and character

have you ever looked at a fish in a fishbowl?like really looked?the way a five year old does when he gets his first beta fish?sometimes I wonder if fish get really creeped out when a large set of eyes is suddenly peering into their small fishbowl world?I think I would get creeped out if I were the fish.yes, I would definitely get creeped out. :)earlier this month, I found myself relating entirely too much to these small colorful fish swimming mindlessly in circles.let me explain...for the past month we were going through habbakuk on sundays at church.I know. habbakuk. :)that's a seriously crispy part of your bible if you're me.I know he was a great man, but his name sounds like a sneeze and a burp at the same time if you say it over and over again. ;)pretty sure it's not going to make the top twenty baby names of 2013.but habbakuk it is and I have to say I learned a great deal.for the past weeks, echos of these words have been running through my head:"learn to step away from the details and look at God's grandour. get a better perspective - a different angle...step back."head back to the fishbowl.what if you were to look at the fish in a fishbowl in a different setting?a setting where you were diving at the bottom of the everywhere, light streaming in from up above...looking around you notice a small fishbowl at the bottom of the didn't notice it at first because of the vastness and the beauty of the sea around you.upon looking closer to the fishbowl, you are surprised...there is a beautiful fish living in the fishbowl IN the ocean!amidst all the ocean, all the sea life communities this fish could have chosen, this fish choses a bowl at the bottom of an ocean.I am like that fish.I fail, often, to step back and see the big picture.I get comfortable in my fishbowl and miss out on all the beauty and purpose to life outside the fishbowl.a self-inflicted cage of sister showed me this's inspiring, it reminds me to look for His grandour and to live fully. :)head back to habbakuk:"remember that problems don't make you, they reveal you...problems just pull out of you what is already there."after hearing those words, I did the typical hang out and chat with friends after church thing and then I headed home.after arriving at home, I realized I couldn't find my glasses anywhere.not a big deal to most, but I literally cannot see anything close up anymore without what did I do not even thirty minutes after hearing and being reminded of the afor-mentioned words?I stressed and tore apart my car looking for them...quite angrily too, I'll add. :)and then I'm pretty sure I heard a rooster crow in the distance. ;)if problems reveal what is already inside then I proved that my insides are one giant tangled up ball of yarn.little things need to stay little things.after angrily uncovering every square inch of my car, my husband came home.with my glasses.the point to this monday mind dump?character is made and revealed when it comes to the little things. and I do not need to live as one living in a self-inflicted fish bowl when He has better for me.