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breathing deep.

what is important?*breathe in. breathe out.*what is important?in traveling by airplane you get to observe a great many diverse people.the mom with three kids trying to herd them all in one direction.the business man trying his very best to avoid any eye contact and act as if the above three kids aren't there.the grandma with the carry on bag full of presents for her grandchildren that she is visiting.the retired baseball coach who will talk you a happy earful of past stories of great games.the guy with the headphones absorbed in his world of music.the new mom with baby, boppy, diaper bag, stroller and car seat trying to make it in one piece onto the plane.the couple with as many brand names as you can possible count articles of clothing with the purse dog being toted by him.the elderly couple with a newspaper discussing the traffic it took to go through to even get to the get all kinds.and in watching all kinds, it makes me wonder what really is important?throughout this beautiful weekend I got to spend with my sister and my mother and two beautiful ballerina's,I got to clear my head and breathe deep.but I kept mulling the question "what is really important"? over and over in my finding my answer this weekend,this family was not far from my thoughts.being alive is important.being really alive.being with loved ones for as long as you have until you don't is important.loving others, serving others, serving Him is important.getting to breath deep is be a part of what is important.make a donation here:teamASHER&BECKit's important.