logo is a funny word.
it is.say it s.l.o.w.LOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOO.yeah, it's funny. :)but these logo's are not funny. :) they are for my sister's brand new-amazing-super cool-awesome-totally cool website! not only is she super talented in photography (if you're in the colorado springs area - you should totally set up a session with her!) but she has amazing taste in designing a website...love her colors + layout and am pretty jealous of her shopping cart option...not gonna' lie. :)so I was super honored/happy that she let me help with the design of her new logo! I'm learning that branding is pretty important in this business and my sister is pretty cool and has a lot of facets to her character...so I designed five options for her to pick...and oddly enough, the five people we showed it to all picked the winner...here were some of the options: