kreatid's first contest!
I deeply love my daughter Maddie. And I genuinely like her too. :) This weekend my son has been sick so we've had a lot of "rest" and "quiet time" and "homework time". Maddie is learning to read and write in school right a lot of phonetic learning. These two signs cracked me up in cleaning up after her this weekend. She is simply adorable and I LOVE the way her mind's like you can hear the cogs in her head sometimes. :)
So, that leads me to the contest. If you can correctly decipher BOTH Maddie signs (Luci cannot guess or tell anyone b/c I already told her what they were ;P) then I will take your headshot (or you can regift it to someone for the holidays) + include an 8x10 for's not a full shoot, but it's still fun! (if you live too far away from Gilbert, AZ I will fulfil your winnings the next time I see you!).
So get your competitive juices flowing and get guessing!
Good luck!